34 research outputs found

    Design Transformation based on Nature and Identity Formation in the Design of Landscape Elements

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    There is a lack of initiative from the designers to integrate the environmental resources in the material and design production of local urban landscape elements that reflects human culture and lifestyle. Based on criteria and principles of symbol design and transformation process, this paper describes the symbiotic relationship between local plants (flower) and designs of landscape elements. Using visual analysis, the researcher manipulated shapes and forms of local plant images in producing possible shapes and forms for a design of landscape element (lamp post). The results indicate that the design transformation is a systematic process that allows for variations in design without losing the core characteristics and identity of the basic elements of nature.© 2016. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.Keywords: Design; transformation; nature; culture

    Transformational Chair Design Analogous To Malaysia’s Rafflesia Plant Cellular Structure

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of literature on Rafflesia cellular structure endemic to Malaysia Identity that is suitable to be applied in chair transformation design process which can help individual developing their understanding in plant analogy design. It is a critical and comprehensive review of a range of recently published literature sources (until May 2014) addressing various issues related to the transformation process design theory, Rafflesia Azlanii, and chair design. The sources are sorted into sections: morphological identification of Rafflesia, design for transformation and the analogy between R.A and chair. The paper provides insights about the characteristic and growth principle of R.A structure and form endemic to Malaysia resources; transformation process design theory that may influence the analogy between R.A cellular structure and chair design as a Malaysia identity product; and its benefits and guidelines to students/educators/designers of using R.A cellular structure as an analogy in developing chair design. It is hoped that the analysis, as captured in this paper, will highlight the different transformation process design theory in chair development. The paper will be of interest to researchers in the areas of tropical plant analogy design, enable learning environments, in general. Further, this paper demonstrates how the analysis of academic literature sources has been combined with commentaries and opinions on the journals and articles to develop this literature review. The finding is a very useful source of information and impartial advice which may be commercialized and influence learning and teaching strategies in higher and further education – specifically institutions that are considering the use of R.A cellular structure in chair design. This paper fulfils an identified information/resources of transformation design theory, design analogy of R.A cellular structure in chair design needs and offers practical help to students/educators/designers starting out a plant structure analogy design direction

    Relating design principles with Islamic spirituality based on the transformation of nature in design process

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    The biological, physical and visual aspects of the environment influence life philosophy, culture, society, tradition and creativity development. However, the potential of environmental resources such as plants can contribute to the design production has not been examined adequately and analyzed systematically. There is a lack of exploration on linking the design process and idea with the Islamic principles embedded in the Islamic spirituality. This paper presents an analysis of the design process of nature (plants) and its relationship with the Islamic principles, design and qualities. The principles and terminology are discussed in relation the Islamic spirituality and the qualities of Asma’ ul Husna to gain a comprehensive understanding of the creative process and the aesthetic content of design products. The study highlights the potential to interpret design works based on the internal process of human creativity. The link to the spiritual values originated from the Light of the Creator, Allah swt has been made evident in the creative process. The findings provide a process of linking the external and internal processes of designing exemplified by an analysis of nature as the source of ideas thus increases the value and content of Islamic design products

    The Influence of Knowledgeable Planning Generation Program (GenRe) on Adolescent Attitude in Aceh Province, Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the impact of adolescent knowledge about the Planning Generation Program or Generasi Berencana Program (GenRe) on adolescent attitudes. This study used a combination method with sequential explanatory design. 156 respondents were involved in this study. Data collection techniques were questionnaires in the form of close and open, as well as conducted in-depth interviews. Data collected The result of questionnaires was analyzed by using SPSS application with a simple regression technique by looking at the T test and F Test to see the results of the Hypothesis test. While the result of interview, the researchers used discovering culture themes analysis. The results of the study from the quantitative perspective concluded that Adolescent Knowledge about thhe Generasi Berencana Program is has a significant influence on Adolescent Attitudes. Keywords: Planning Generation Program, Knowledge, Attitude, Adolescent DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-2-1

    Analisis peruntukan orang melayu dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia dalam konteks hubungan etnik

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    Perbincangan artikel ini menjurus kepada peruntukan yang terdapat dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang berkaitan orang Melayu seperti kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, tanah rizab Melayu, Rejimen Askar Melayu di Raja dan persempadanan kawasan pilihan raya. Metodologi kajian adalah menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dengan melihat kepada dokumen yang berkaitan dengan perlembagaan. Analisis menunjukkan peruntukan orang Melayu bukan sahaja setakat dalam Perkara 153, tetapi juga terangkum dalam Perkara 8(5)(f), Perkara 89 dan 90 dan Jadual Ketiga belas tentang persempadanan kawasan pilihan raya. Hal ini menunjukkan kedudukan orang Melayu dilindungi oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia dan mempunyai kedudukan istimewa berbanding etnik lain di Malaysia

    Maqasid syariah dalam pembinaan fatwa berkaitan amalan rentas agama dan rentas budaya di Malaysia

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    Amalan rentas agama dan rentas budaya dalam masyarakat Malaysia hari ini telah menimbulkan polimik di kalangan masyarakat sama ada ianya menepati ajaran Islam atau tidak. Justeru, institusi fatwa baik di peringkat persekutuan mahupun di peringkat negeri, yang berautoriti dalam mengeluarkan hukum berkenaan isu ini harus memberi pencerahan supaya keharmonian masyarakat dan kesucian akidah terus terbela. Kajian secara menyeluruh terhadap fatwa yang sedia ada bagi mengawal agama dan akidah masyarakat perlu diambil perhatian bagi memastikan matlamat penjelasan dan penguatkuasaannya tercapai kerana fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh mufti dan jawatankuasa fatwa pastinya bertujuan baik, bermatlamat mulia dan keperluannya selari dengan kehendak syarak yang ditetapkan oleh Allah melalui al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Ianya sekaligus mampu memenuhi matlamat dan hikmah dalam memutuskan sesuatu hukum atau lebih dikenali sebagai “maqasid syariah”. Artikel ini ditulis untuk melihat sejauh mana keperluan maqasid syariah diambil perhatian dan diberi pertimbangan wajar dalam penentuan sesuatu fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan dan institusi fatwa di beberapa buah negeri dalam isu yang berkaitan amalan rentas agama dan budaya dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia dari tahun 2010 hingga 2015. Hasilnya, kertas ini mendapati bahawa kesemua fatwa yang telah diputuskan mengambil kira pengaplikasiaan maqasid syariah demi untuk menjaga dan mengukuhkan lagi tonggak agama, keturunan dan harta benda masyarakat Islam kita

    The Recognition of Fragrant Plant Characteristic in Enhancing the Place Image for Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak

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    In Malay art, a flower or Bunga expressed about the beauties and aesthetics. At the same time, the fragrant plant belief to be a representative of paradise, which have a pleasant fragrance. It is observed that the used of aromatic plants has been a practices in Perak's royal ceremonies. This paper aims to identify the qualitative response on the recognition of the fragrant plant to support the reinforcement of place image of Kuala Kangsar as Royal Town of Perak. The results reveal that Lotus (Nelumbo), Melur (Jasminum), and Tanjong (Mimusops elengi) are mostly associated with Royal Town Kuala Kangsar, Perak. (100 words max.)Keywords: Fragrant plant; Place Image, Royal TowneISSN: 2398-4287 © 2019. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v4i12.187

    Bio-structural analogues in furniture: transformational potential of chair design as can be found in Rafflesia structures

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    The aim of this literature review paper is to explore bio- structural analogues in furniture, focusing on discovering the transformational potential of chair design as can be found in Rafflesia structures. The rationale behind this research problem is to bridging the gap between Transformational Design Theory, Rafflesia morphology and plant analogues chair design. By incorporating a qualitative design methodology and a critical and comprehensive review of a range of recently published literature sources (until December 2014) addressing various issues related to the transformation process, Rafflesia Azlanii and plant analogues chair, hence this research unearths insights about the Transformation Principles, macroscopic and microscopic morphology of Rafflesia endemic to Malaysia resources, and discussion on the latest plant analogues design. It is hoped that the analysis, as captured in this paper, will highlight the different transformation process in chair development. The paper will be of interest to researchers in the areas of plant analogues design, enable learning environments, in general. Further, the finding of this paper demonstrates how the analysis of academic literature sources has been combined with commentaries and opinions on the journals and articles to develop this literature review. Therefore, it fulfills an identified information/resources of Transformation Design Theory, design analogy of Rafflesia and chair to offer practical help to students/academicians/ designers starting out a plant analogues design direction. It is a very useful source of information and impartial advice which its contributions may be commercialized and influence learning and teaching strategies in higher and further education specifically institutions that are considering the use of Rafflesia cellular structure in chair design

    Prototype of GIS Based Location Information Enquiry System

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    The convergence of the internet and wireless communication has led the popularity of using handheld devices. People have now started demanding services that can be delivered any time anywhere, called Location Based Services (LBS). This paper deal with development of location based services on handheld devices that apply to emergency services. Handheld devices suffer from serious constrains in three areas: memory size, processor speed and screen size. This application uses the client server concept within wireless internet environment. The positioning service such as GPS is used to know the position of the user. The objective of this research is to display special query on the required spatial information within handheld devices using different operating systems such as WinCE, Palm OS and Symbian. This implies the strong feature of the proposed system. Hence the system assists people e.g. at the time of emergency to find the shortest path to the nearest hospital. The application will be access through the wireless internet. Only the related location in the entire map will be displayed on the handheld devices to which gives the economical usage of bandwidth and resources for real time response. This technology uses mobile internet as web browser embedded in the handheld devices. In Malaysia, a Location Based Services is still new and can be expand in many ways, especially in emergency cases